Twitter is pretty insistent that it’s not experiencing a “Trump effect”
What's been the effect of Donald Trump's excessive and exclamation-filled tweets on Twitter?
"We can't quantify an impact at this point," insisted Anthony Noto, chief operating officer at the struggling social network when asked about the unprecedented Presidential tweets which have spurred streams of global news coverage.
Talking on Twitter's earnings call for its fourth quarter results, he played down any impact directly on numbers, saying a double digit rise in tens of billions of impressions was evident across three quarters, signalling the effect of more fundamental changes on the platform in terms of products and markets.
"It would be hard for a single person to drive it," he said.
"At a macro level" the President's tweets via his personal account have broadened the "awareness of Twitter and its power", as has having politicians in general on the platform.
Twitter has become Trump's main mouthpiece, using it to attack a judge, companies like Nordstrom and even comedy show Saturday Night Live, among other things.
The social network is struggling to turn itself around but reported some healthy numbers in its fourth quarter in terms of daily active use, impressions and time spent signalling growing engagement among users.
Read more on Twitter's latest earnings.