Immigration is “good for London” and caps “likely to be damaging” to UK economy August 3, 2014 Economists and Boris highlight benefits to City The political race to appear tough on immigration and reduce the number of people coming to the UK for work will do long-term damage to the economy, according to economic research released today. And with politicians pledging to crack down on immigration ahead of next year’s general election, [...]
Cut unemployment benefits for immigrants, but don’t cut immigration August 1, 2014 Prime Minister Cameron should be applauded for his plan to halve the length of benefits for unemployed immigrants down to three months. When a government allows immigrants to collect benefits without employment, it essentially pays someone to live off taxpayer dollars without contributing to the economy. But in Britain this is not generally the case. [...]
Migrant benefit changes will “put Britain first”, says Prime Minister July 29, 2014 The amount of time that EU migrants can claim benefits in the UK while having no realistic job prospects is set to halve. At present, EU migrants can claim unemployment benefits for six months without any clear work opportunities, but a new rule would see this time reduced to three months. Prime Minister David [...]
Treasury minister Nicky Morgan clashes with City on immigration June 25, 2014 Immigrants’ success in the City will not persuade the government to end its crackdown on visitors to the UK, financial secretary to the Treasury Nicky Morgan said today. Ukip’s success in the European elections cannot be ignored, the MP said, indicating the City’s needs will not be allowed to take priority over wider anti-immigrant [...]
Support migration on International Workers’ Day May 1, 2014 A German organisation, IZA, has just launched its new “World of Labor” website, which looks like it will be a fantastic resource for information on migration and labour policies in general. Academic articles on migration (and basically everything else) are often locked in ridiculously expensive subscription services – available to universities and research organisations, [...]
Immigration rules and skills shortages hold back UK tech potential April 21, 2014 THE FIRST few months of 2014 have been a whirlwind for London’s tech sector. Just-East burst onto the stock market with a £1.5bn valuation, DeepMind and Natural Motion were acquired for a combined £720m within three days of each other, Circassia completed a £200m public offering, and we witnessed a resurgent IPO market. Yet while [...]
Labour: we stayed silent on immigration to the UK April 10, 2014 LABOUR has admitted it made a mistake by staying silent about immigration when in government, on the same day the Office for National Statistics admitted it underestimated net migration by almost 350,000 people. In a speech yesterday, shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper called for an “honest conversation” on the issues but admitted that her party [...]
Immigration restrictions are holding the economy back says new report April 8, 2014 The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) has become the latest organisation to join the chorus of voices calling on the government to ease visa restrictions for migrant workers. The REC and KPMG jobs report published on Tuesday, said March saw a decline in the availability of candidates, with permanent staff availability falling at the sharpest [...]
Tory MPs lobby Cameron to tone down anti-immigration stance March 24, 2014 CONSERVATIVE MPs are preparing to launch a new group to lobby the Prime Minister over his anti-immigration rhetoric. Conservatives for Managed Migration will launch tomorrow and be headed up by City MP Mark Field, in a bid to soften the Conservative party line on migration ahead of the European elections. Field told Sky News yesterday [...]
EU parliament makes progress on open immigration March 12, 2014 European commissioner Laszlo Andor has welcomed the European parliament's adoption of a series of measures that were proposed by the commission in April, intended to make it easier for EU citizens to exercise the right to work in other member states. The decision comes a little over a month after fresh evidence emerged showing that [...]