Rapid responses
Female disclosure
[Re: Is the coalition right to force firms to disclose the number of senior women they employ?, Friday]
I’m not in favour of quotas, but there are many eminently capable women who are failing to make it to the top of their chosen professions. We know that greater gender parity at board level is good for business, so it’s right to encourage change. By insisting on transparency in employment figures we may help to do this. This would not be akin to positive discrimination but would provide a useful service to any ambitious woman. Disclosure of the number of senior female employees would alert women to those companies that are willing and able to recognise their talents.
Fiona Severs, director at Lexington Gray
PPI scams
[Re: Google’s awful day reminds us it’s becoming less special, Friday]
The payment protection insurance (PPI) scandal has clearly damaged the broader financial services industry. And while I agree that some ambulance chasing firms are seeking to captalise on this damage, they still play an important role in our market economy. In the end, the better banks – those that have put their customers at the heart of their business, and those which have the right processes and systems in place to rise above the whole PPI mess – will emerge stronger. The rest will be rightly damaged, with shareholders bearing the cost. This is how an effective market should deal with misselling scandals.
Dimitrios Melidonis
The government’s EU statement: We give a green light to banking union in return for nothing. Who negotiated this awful deal?
Why does David Cameron think an inflation-capped rise in the EU budget is fine when everyone else is cutting spending?
David Cameron is saying the right things about prison reform, but I have a lack of faith in his ability to carry it out.
The Bank of England has created a problem due to the sheer size of quantitative easing. I see no alternative to letting the gilts mature.