Brent Hoberman: Fear of ‘media onslaught’ puts business people off joining government Business Serial entrepreneur Brent Hoberman and the investment minister Poppy Gustaffson have warned that business people are put off taking on government positions due to fear of a “media onslaught”. Writing on LinkedIn, Hoberman, the founder of and failed furniture retailer, criticised coverage of business people entering government and claimed the media constantly “insinuates [...]
Brent Hoberman launches PR agency for founders of fast growing start ups Media Hoberman's Founders Forum Group, which he co-founded in 2005 and is now executive chair of, has invested in the new business
Brent Hoberman’s Founders Factory hires Second Home entrepreneur as it eyes further expansion Tech London-based tech accelerator Founders Factory has hired the founder of co-working space Second Home to support its international expansion.