No tickets? Glastonbury fan designs ‘deepest condolences’ cards if you missed out

There were two sets of people last night at 6pm, those who couldn’t bear the pain so they pretended the Glastonbury ticket sale wasn’t happening, and those who spent hours agonising over a broken Ticketmaster link, trying and failing to buy them.
Oh, there is a smaller third group: those that actually got Glastonbury tickets, but we’ll forget about them.
Thankfully, Glastonbury fan Will Waldron found a way to alleviate his stress: by getting his creative juices flowing. He has designed a range of Glastonbury condolences cards for people who missed out on tickets for 2024.
They’re absolutely hilarious and available for sale now from Thortful, where Will works.
Waldron told City A.M.: “After seven times of trying and failing to get Glastonbury tickets it becomes very disheartening!
“So I thought to design these cards to help ease the frustration of the stressful mornings refreshing web browsers. Hopefully the cards are a fun way of helping people through the weekend!”
One card reads ‘I heard the headliners were going to be shit anyway.”

And another says: “Deepest condolences on missing out on Glastonbury tickets.”

Another has a picture of Worthy Farm land owner Michael Eavis to “ease the pain.”

No artists have been announced yet for Glastonbury 2024, although Emily Eavis has confirmed the legend slot on the Sunday afternoon will be a female.
Glastonbury 2024 takes place from 26 – 30 June. The final and main part of the ticket sale, for ordinary, non-coach tickets, takes place this Sunday morning at 9am.
Waldron added that trying to get Glastonbury tickets is “always a stressful and intense experience” and that he hopes the new cards allow fans to “share support and humour” with one another no matter whether they get tickets or not.
“Good luck everyone!”
You can buy all the Glastonbury cards at Thortful