Will the Vickers reforms help or hinder the economic recovery?
Back in April, we asked members of our readers’ panel about the impact of the interim Vickers report on the banking sector. With the final report due in a fortnight, we want to know if opinions have changed following the recent market turmoil.
Will plans for a ringfence, which requires banks to run their retail and investment banking operations separately, affect lending to consumers and businesses or the economic recovery? Will banks consider moving abroad to avoid any new rules or are such noises just empty threats? And do you think a ring-fence will prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis?
Meanwhile, do you think the chancellor, George Osborne, will find a way of delaying any reforms, and would he be right to do so?
To answer these questions – and others like them – apply to join the panel at www.cityam.com/panel today.