Who you backed for the £20 note
ECONOMISTS’ icon Adam Smith is out, and 436 nominees are in. It’s time to decide who will be the face of the yuppie’s favourite party accessory; the rolled up £20. The theme this year is “visual arts”. While some names such as legendary director Alfred Hitchcock and children’s author Beatrix Potter easily fit the bill, it’s good to see that the public had their business heads screwed on when they made their choices.
One nomination will certainly please the City’s petrol-heads: Colin Chapman, the founder and driving force behind the iconic Lotus Cars brand.
British currency could see a refreshing splash of florals next spring, as designer Laura Ashley also made it into the list.
And the team at Madame Tussauds must be over the moon to see London museum founder Marie Tussaud nominated.
Bank of England officials will now draw up a shortlist of three to five names, and the final decision will be revealed next spring. Better save this year’s £20 notes. They could be worth something.