Three shocking moments from The Crown season 6 including Diana revelations

The first four episodes of The Crown season 6 have landed on Netflix. They feature the controversial Diana death story line shot in Paris, although the actual car crash isn’t shown. There are revelations in the early episodes, and here are three of the biggest things we learned.
Beware that the below contains spoilers for The Crown season 6.
Mohamed Al-Fayed coerces Dodi into a Diana proposal
In The Crown’s version of events it suggests Mohamed Al Fayed convinced Dodi to propose to Diana to improve his status in British aristocratic circles. Diana had not wanted to go to Paris where she died and had only gone because Mohamed and Dodi Al-Fayed convinced her to visit for the night. According to the show, the couple made a pit stop en route home from a yachting trip when the crash happened.
Mohamed is portrayed as disrespectful of the couple’s privacy. At one point the former Harrods owner gets the maid on a family yacht to tell him whether Diana and Dodi are sharing the same bed. If he married Diana he could become “a giant, a colossus,” says Al-Fayed to his son. “And have money and power beyond your dreams.”
Diana reappears in flashbacks – and declares her love for Charles
In one episode, Diana reappears after her death for a deep and meaningful chat with the Queen. Dodi, too, rocks up to chat with Mohammed after the crash. Both offer advice to their loved ones from beyond the grave. It’s a powerful and surprising sprinkling of creative licence. Diana posthumously meets Charles too and calls him handsome. She says: “Thank you for how you were in the hospital, so raw, broken and handsome. I’l take that with me.”
Diana also declares her love for Charles as the future King cries. “The only thing I’ve had is regret,” he says.
William runs away after the death
There are some creative imaginings about what might have happened to the two boys as they went about their personal journeys of grief after Diana’s death. William disappears while the family are at Balmoral Estate in Scotland which prompts everyone to go on a big ‘find William’ hunt, and in a church service the morning of her death, Harry silently cries. We learn that the Queen has put away all TVs and radios to protect the boys before she made the decision to return the family to London to publicly mourn.
The Crown season 6 part 1 is available now on Netflix
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