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George Osborne’s changed his unhealthy ways but most MPs indulge a tad too much
They're in the public eye, up to their knees in advisers and not wanting for pocket money to spend in Holland & Barrett, but Britain’s MPs are an unhealthy bunch according to Nuffield Health.
A poll of 100 MPs found almost half failed to meet the government’s recommended two-and-a-half hours of moderate activity a week and a sizable – pun intended – 71 per cent admitted to overeating up to four days a week.
They aren’t all sitting on the naughty step, though. Almost half have followed the chancellor’s lead and embarked on a diet (his 5:2 diet has worked wonders, see above).
The Capitalist was most surprised, however, by news only 20 per cent of MPs exceed the Department of Health’s safe weekly alcohol limit (21 units for ladies, 28 for men). Parliament’s Strangers’ Bar and its terrace are well-frequented to say the least. Perhaps a few were telling porkies?