Theresa May tells UN summit: UK remains outward-facing after Brexit vote
Theresa May has talked up the UK as a “confident, strong and dependable partner” after the Brexit vote at a United Nations event.
The Prime Minister said tonight that the UK “has always been an outward-facing, global partner at the heart of international efforts to secure peace and prosperity for all our people. And that is how we will remain.”
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She added: “For when the British people voted to leave the EU, they did not vote to turn inwards or walk away from any of our partners in the world.
“Faced with challenges like migration, a desire for greater control of their country, and a mounting sense that globalisation is leaving working people behind, they demanded a politics that is more in touch with their concerns; and bold action to address them.
“But that action must be more global, not less. Because the biggest threats to our prosperity and security do not recognise or respect international borders. And if we only focus on what we do at home, the job is barely half done.”
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May also addressed issues of mirgation, terrorism and globalisation, while commiting to ratify the Paris Climate Change Agreement at the general assembly of the UN in New York.
The PM’s trip to the US has also included meeting with US banks to reassure them of the UK’s status post-Brexit. On Monday, she told the media that other EU nations “will sign up to a deal with us” after Brexit.