This is what London needs from the King’s Speech John Dickie Restoring the fortunes of our high-tax, low productivity nation will not be easy, but there are a few low-cost measures which, along with longer-term structural reforms, can unleash London’s huge potential, says John Dickie After rebuilding the Labour Party and securing a historic electoral landslide, the hard work of delivering change starts now for Sir [...]
Metro mayors need more power to deliver growth John Dickie Sadiq Khan has been reelected for a third term as mayor, but if he's to get London firing on all cylinders we need more fiscal devolution
The next mayor must make London the best place in the world to do business John Dickie The mayoral election is in just over a month, whoever wins must get London firing on all cylinders by working with business
Now is not the time for opportunistic personal tax cuts February 25, 2024 The government may think Slashing Income Tax or National Insurance will win votes, but boosting growth and restoring the UK's reputation as a stable place to invest should be the priority, says John Dickie
Have a problem with Ulez? Then give London the means to raise its own revenue August 25, 2023 Giving London more power to retain revenues is critical to ensure a sustainable future for the capital, while also delivering better bang for our buck.
The Elizabeth Line anniversary is a reminder of what London and other cities can achieve with the right kind of investment May 24, 2023 The Elizabeth Line, a clamorous success, was enabled by investment from the national government, but mainly from London's government and businesses. It's a model we should replicate, writes John Dickie
North and South agree: we have to build HS2 from Euston to Manchester March 28, 2023 Delaying HS2 or shortening its railway from Euston will only cost even more money and create another generation of growth stuck behind a red signal, writes John Dickie and Henri Murison, chief executives of BusinessLDN and the Northern Powerhouse Partnership
The iron grip of Whitehall-think of keeping Britain’s productivity down March 10, 2023 Jeremy Hunt needs to keep the ship steady, but he’s also missing an obvious trick to allow Britain to build up it’s depleted productivity again, writes John Dickie
Businesses’ ask for the next budget? Make a decision and stick with it, for all our sakes October 26, 2022 Taxes will have to go up and spending down – to the tune of some £40bn on top of what has already been announced by the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt.