The Debate: Should businesses have DEI quotas? Opinion Trump's America is turning the tide on woke, but are DEI quotas good for business? Our writers hash it out in this week’s Debate.
The Debate: Is Black Friday actually good for business? Opinion As a tumultuous year for retail draws to an end, the next five weeks are arguably the most important for UK retailers. With consumer confidence remaining unsettled, many retailers are reportedly hopeful that the upcoming Black Friday sales will give them the boost they need to meet their targets. However, consumers are increasingly savvy about [...]
The Debate: Should we look to legalise assisted dying? Opinion As the second reading of a new bill proposing legalisation of assisted dying approaches, our contestants lay out the arguments around this sensitive and complex moral choice. Yes: A new law would facilitate a kinder way to die For the vast majority of the public – three-quarters of us across Britain – the introduction of [...]
The Debate: Should London’s suburbs be spikier? October 17, 2024 A housing crisis and London’s relatively flat skyline have prompted calls for building taller (or ‘spikier’) in the suburbs. Growth bros on Twitter are desperate for London to “densify”, i.e. cram more buildings into a smaller space by building taller structures or extending current buildings upwards. Yet London’s outer regions are typically flat with parks, [...]
The Square Mile and Me: Hannah Bernard on the significance of the first female Chancellor October 10, 2024 Each week we ask a City figure to tell us about what makes the Square Mile special. This week, it’s Hannah Bernard, head of business banking at Barclays
The Debate: Should bosses dictate wellbeing policies? October 10, 2024 The Debate: Should bosses dictate wellbeing policies?
The Debate: What to do with inheritance tax? September 26, 2024 Inheritance tax, sometimes dubbed ‘Britain’s most hated tax’, currently stands at 40 per cent and is paid on estates worth over £325,000, although there are a range of exemptions which mean only five per cent of deaths are taxed and often at a much lower effective rate. As the Chancellor prepares to review taxes in [...]
The Debate: Should firms use our data to issue health advice? September 19, 2024 Do you want Tesco to start giving you healthy food recommendations?
The Debate: Should workers have the right to a four-day week? September 5, 2024 Would you want to compress your hours into a four-day week? The answer won't be the same for all employees...
Worst Corporate Jargon of the Week Awards: Scrum September 5, 2024 A scrum is not a casual Slack video call or an innocent gathering of penguins. No, a scrum is something more akin to a belief system.