Ryanair will reportedly email more than 5m customers to encourage them to vote Remain
Ryanair is to urge more than 5m customers to vote Remain in the EU referendum with an email barrage reportedly to be launched tomorrow.
According to Sky News, the airline will tell customers that both the UK economy and its future prospects are stronger as part of the EU.
The email, which also includes a broader promotion of its current European seat-sale, states: “We agree the EU needs reform, but we need the UK to remain in the EU to drive this change.”
It comes after concerns had been raised that Ryanair's increasing profile in the referendum campaign might constitute Michael O'Leary's business breaking rules, which require anyone spending more than £10,000 on campaigning in the referendum to register with the Electoral Commission
The airline has previously offered discounted flights to customers seeking to return home to the UK and vote remain.
Ryanair could not be reached for comment.