RAPID responses
Euro bondage
[Re: Eurozone crisis moves ever closer as Greek left gains ground, Friday]
I don’t know how we came to believe that growth will somehow cure the debt crisis, whether in Greece or the UK. Our massive debt was added to during a period of sustained economic growth. It will still require political action, even if made easier by growth or inflation, to eliminate deficits and start ridding ourselves of indebtedness.
Peter Cross
The ultimate crisis point in the Eurozone is nearing a head. Greeks want euro membership without austerity, while Germany and other northern Europeans want euro membership without bailouts. Who’ll blink first?
Craig Martin
Taxing dilemmas
[Re: Don’t ignore the powerful moral arguments against high taxation, Wednesday]
Eamonn Butler’s critics are wrong. The objection is not to paying tax. It is to the amount paid and what it is spent upon. When the government spends so much on consultants, at the same time as failing to address the terrible repair of our roads, money is being wasted. That is when tax becomes legalised theft.
Nik Kirby
High taxation is not theft. It’s the expression of the democratic will of the majority, which favours social equity over economic efficiency. Rich minorities may feel aggrieved, but they can always leave – as they threaten.
Sophie Carter
Greece may be capturing the headlines, but China may be a far bigger headache as its growth slows.
Watching David Cameron, I see a very good salesman who could have sold Conservatism but who chose to sell himself
Beecroft Report: a mixture of sound and original ideas. Shame none of the sound ideas are original or the original ideas sound.
Confused as to how Vince Cable can be called a Gladstonian liberal. He’s way to the left.