Crossrail causes Oxford St closure June 9, 2009 Retailers are up in arms after Transport for London (TfL) confirmed yesterday that a large stretch of Oxford Street is to be closed for work on the £16bn Crossrail project. The street will be closed to east-bound traffic between Newham Street and Tottenham Court Road, while construction workers replace and repair the ancient water and [...]
Boris gets ready for Tube strike June 8, 2009 BORIS Johnson yesterday revealed plans to keep London rolling, even if tonight’s proposed 48-hour tube strike goes ahead. The industrial action on London Underground (LU), which comes after a pay dispute between union RMT and LU, is due to begin at 7pm this evening. Both parties were last night locked in talks. If the strike [...]
London is as congested as five years ago says TfL August 7, 2008 London is just as congested as it was five years ago before the introduction of the Congestion Charge, because of roadworks and measures to give priority to pedestrians, buses and cyclists. Transport for London (TfL), which runs the capital’s transport system, said traffic levels had fallen significantly since the Congestion Charge was introduced in January [...]