Entrepreneurs head to school February 18, 2010 MOST profiles of Richard Branson tend to include his lack of academic credentials – he left school at 16. Similarly, Microsoft founder Bill Gates was a Harvard drop-out. This could lead some people to deduce that you are either born with an entrepreneurial spirit or you are not. However, the study of entrepreneurship has now [...]
Bean-count your way to the top July 30, 2008 If you’re clever, an accountancy career can be a route to corporate success, says Chris Higson Not so long ago, people were predicting the eclipse of the accountancy profession. Accountancy had always been a reliable route to the top, particularly in the UK, but perhaps this was changing. It looked as though other countries got [...]
The CFA is a mark of talent and also trust July 30, 2008 | City Talk In these troubled times, employers want people who know the basics, says Nitin Mehta In recent years, a host of new products have been launched which promise to help professionals working in the investment industry. Often, these qualifications have been accompanied by hype and hope and not a lot else. In the current conditions, many [...]
Maternity law reform fuels an old debate July 16, 2008 Zoe Strimpel talks to employment lawyers about the impact of the new rules If you’re an employer, or a woman of childbearing age, your ears may have pricked up at the comments made this week by Nicola Brewer, CEO of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. Brewer said that new legislation that extends paid maternity [...]
Why women really mean business October 24, 2005 So, Robbie Williams thinks that experiencing the female orgasm will give him a better understanding of what it’s like to be a woman. Oh, if only it were that simple. To begin to understand what makes a woman tick, he’d be well-advised to get inside our heads first. And if, like us, you’re a woman [...]